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Duitsland en Nederland nemen door Erdogan gestuurde ISIS-strijders braaf op in eigen land

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Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said on Wednesday that Germany and the Netherlands had agreed to take back German and Dutch Islamic State detainees and their families from Turkey, after Ankara started to repatriate the fighters this week.

On Monday, Turkey said it had deported two of the detainees, a German and an American, and added that it will deport another 23 European nationals in the coming days.

“I would like to especially thank two countries here. One is Germany and the other the Netherlands,” he added.

“As of last night, they have confirmed that they will take back terrorists from Daesh (Islamic State) who are citizens of their countries and their wives, children and all the others,” he said.

Lees verder bij de bron: TPOok

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