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Gidsland Zweden, van veiligste land ter wereld naar gevaarlijkste bomaanslagenland ter wereld, met dank aan immigratie

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TheDigitalArtist / Pixabay

“Explosions have become so normalised in Sweden that SVT, Sweden’s equivalent of the BBC, did not even mention the three explosions in the country’s capital on its national news programme that evening.

Explosions have become so normalised in Sweden that SVT, Sweden’s equivalent of the BBC, did not even mention the three explosions in the country’s capital on its national news programme that evening.

A new report from the Swedish Defence University warns that clan structures in some immigrant areas are putting the Swedish justice system under ‘severe stress’

Sweden had 45 fatal shootings in so-called criminal environments last year — a tenfold increase in one generation.

According to the newspaper Dagens Nyheter, nine out of ten perpetrators of Sweden’s gang shootings are either first- or second-generation immigrants.

Now the Danes are starting to worry too. After two recent bombings in Copenhagen, both linked to gangs in the south of Sweden, the Danish government has declared that it will introduce checks at the border next month.

Gang violence is intimately tied to the issue of immigration and failed integration.”

Lees verder bij de bron: TPOok

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