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Ondanks biljoenen aan klimaatbeleid bereikte CO2-uitstoot in 2015 record

CO2 emissions 21015 Knipsel

Onder de titel, After Trillions of Dollars And 13 Climate Conferences, CO2 Emissions Reach New Record High!’, schonk Pierre Gosselin aandacht aan een recente ‘posting’ op de Duitse klimaatsceptische website ‘ScienceSkepticalBlog’.

Daaruit blijkt dat wereldwijde CO2-uitstoot weliswaar is afgevlakt maar in 2015 toch een nieuwe record heeft bereikt. De reducties in Rusland en de westerse landen werden overtroffen door de groei van de uitstoot in China en andere niet-westerse landen.

Pierre Gosselin:

Michael Krueger at German skeptic site Science Skeptical here writes that in 2015 global CO2 emissions reached another new all-time record high, despite all the elaborate climate conferences and hundreds of billions of dollars invested in curbing global “greenhouse gases”.

Krueger asks: What have all the climate conferences brought us since the first UN conference took place in Berlin in 1995?

Over the past 20 years global fossil fuel CO2 emissions have skyrocketed some 50%, from 22.2 billion tonnes per year to 33.5 billion tonnes in 2015. The 2015 figure was a new record high, defying the prognoses of experts who had expected to see a trend reversal by now. …

13 UN climate conferences have not led to any reduction in CO2 emissions. The reductions achieved by Russia and Europe were more than completely eliminated by China and India alone – never mind the other developing countries.

Krueger asks: What about Germany?

He writes that Germany recently signed on to the Paris Agreement with not a single Parliamentarian voting against it. This means that Germany commits itself to reduce its CO2 emissions by 95% by 2050 (compared to 1990 levels). However, Germany has not cut its CO2 emissions at all over the past 7 years, despite the last 3 winters being mild ones.

Krueger sums up:

Despite Germany accounts for only 3% of the world’s CO2 emissions, and has not had any reduction in CO2 emissions since 2009, a reduction of a few percent by Germany will mean very little.”

Aldus Krueger.

Lees verder hier (Duits) en hier (Engels).


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