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WeekendDocu: Take Back Your Power

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Photo by justine warrington

The award-winning documentary Take Back Your Power uncovers the shocking story behind why hundreds of local governments are standing against the multi-billion dollar rollout of ‘smart’ utility meters. Take a journey of revelation, examining evidence of in-home privacy invasions, systemic over-billing, extortion, health & environmental harm, fires and unprecedented hacking vulnerability. And be inspired by emerging solutions.

The wait is over. Watch the official film “Take Back Your Power 2017” for free, and get the cold, hard truth about smart meters.

Josh del Sol: “My investigation started out simply enough.

One of my good friends got sick suddenly and no one could figure out why. Then she realized that her electric company had installed a wireless electrical meter–a “smart” meter–at the same time she got ill.

I did a little digging and found that my friend wasn’t alone. I found thousands of stories from regular people who had similar stories.

…I wanted to find out for myself if this was really happening. So, I grabbed a camera and traveled around the world. What I found was mind-blowing.

Looks harmless, right? I thought so too… I found a threat that starts at the highest levels of government, involves billions of taxpayer dollars, and benefits no one except the world’s largest energy companies.”A threat that involves…
Your privacy…
Your financial future…
Your health…
Your freedom…
… and so much more….”


Lees ook eens verder bij de bron: Earth Matters

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