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VIDEO: Turkije zorgt voor bevoorrading van IS

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The radical Islamist group Islamic State (IS) is growing steadily. It now pays salaries to thousands of troops and has state-of-the-art weapons at its disposal.

It has declared a caliphate stretching across parts of Syria and Iraq. Against a backdrop of cross-border trade with Turkish goods, it is now seeking to control border crossing points to Turkey.

Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) published a video report of immense implications – possibly the first national broadcaster in the West to admit that the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) is supplied not by “black market oil” or “hostage ransoms” but billions of dollars worth of supplies carried into Syria across NATO member Turkey’s borders via hundreds of trucks a day.

The report titled, “‘IS’ supply channels through Turkey,” confirms what has been reported by geopolitical analysts since at least as early as 2011 – that NATO member Turkey has allowed a torrent in supplies, fighters, and weapons to cross its borders unopposed to resupply ISIS positions inside of Syria.

Foto via AndYaDontStop cc

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