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Docu Generation Zapped alleen nog vandaag gratis te bekijken

generation zapped

Bekijk alleen vandaag nog Generation Zapped gratis.

(instructies beneden, dank aan #TakeBackYourPower & #5GCrisis).

Inhoud Generation Zapped:

“In less than a generation, cell phones and the Internet have revolutionized virtually every aspect of our lives, transforming how we work, socialize and communicate. But what are the health consequences of this invisible convenience? Generation Zapped investigates the dangers of daily exposure to wireless technologies – including the devastating effects on our health from infertility to cancer – and suggests ways to reduce overexposure.”


“We thrilled to announce that the producer of the landmark documentary film “Generation Zapped” has arranged for supporters of 5G Crisis (and their friends and relatives) to see this incredible film at no cost!

The code is good only for this Saturday, Sunday and Monday! Simply use this link for free access to the film:

If the code doesn’t work for any reason, you can also enter the code manually:

Go to

Select “Rent $4.99”

When prompted enter code: GenZappedFree

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