
Kredietbeoordelaar Moody’s: Nederland kwetsbaar voor nieuwe crash huizenmarkt

2017 12 31 14 43 10.crash202017 2019d

Nederland is kwetsbaar voor een crash op de woningmarkt. Als dat gebeurt komt de economie tot stilstand. Dat concludeert kredietbeoordelaar Moody’s op basis van eigen onderzoek.

The report simulates the impact of three scenarios where house prices fall, based on previous downturns in more than 40 countries, ranging from a 29% price decline over six years to a 53% drop.

“Our study found that the Netherlands would be more exposed to a house price correction than Germany, but both countries’ sovereign credit profiles would be resilient,” said Heiko Peters, a Moody’s AVP-Analyst and one of the report’s co-authors. “Their overall economic and fiscal strengths and expected policy responses would likely mitigate outright downward pressure on their Aaa ratings.”

In the event of a house price downturn, the study showed that annual real GDP growth in the Netherlands would be on average 1.0 to 1.9 percentage points (pps) lower than Moody’s baseline forecasts. The fiscal balance would be on average 0.6 to 1.2 pps weaker, and the debt-to-GDP ratio would be 6.2 to 12.6 pps higher after six years.

For Germany, annual real GDP growth would be 0.7 to 1.4 pps lower, the fiscal balance would be 0.4 to 0.7 pps weaker, and debt-to-GDP 4.3 to 8.5 pps higher.

A house price correction would weaken the operating environment for German and Dutch banks, but contingent liability risks would be limited.”

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