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Tsunami van geweld door ‘immigranten’ tegen autochtonen overspoelt Duitsland

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kalhh / Pixabay

Totale aantal slachtoffers ernstige misdrijven Duitsland in 2018 (geweldsdelicten, zedendelicten, beroving): 1.025.241.

47.042 (4,6%) van deze meer dan een miljoen slachtoffers is allochtoon/immigrant/vluchteling/asielzoeker. Dus 95,4% van alle slachtoffers van een ernstig misdrijf in Duitsland in 2018 is Duitse autochtoon.

Bij 102.000 (bijna 10%) van deze misdrijven staat vast dat één of meerdere immigranten/asielzoekers/vluchtelingen de dader zijn.

Bijna de helft (46,336) van de slachtoffers van deze door immigranten/asielzoekers/vluchtelingen gepleegde ernstige misdrijven was Duits autochtoon. Een stijging van maarliefst 19 procent ten opzichte van 2017.

“Violence of immigrants against Germans increases”

Germans are significantly more likely to be victims of a crime committed by an immigrant than vice versa.
About every tenth victim to whom a suspect was identified has been assigned to the perpetrator category “immigrant”.
“In the area of ​​murder, manslaughter, killing on request, 230 Germans fell victim to a criminal offense,” it says in the situation report.

Deutsche are significantly more likely victims of a crime that was committed by an immigrant, than vice versa. This emerges from the simultaneously published with the police crime statistics (PKS) situation picture “crime in the context of immigration” of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA).

The case presented by the Federal Criminal Police Office show a gloomy picture: “In the area of ​​murder, manslaughter, killing on request, 230 Germans fell victim to a criminal offense in which at least one suspected immigrant was involved,” it says in the situation report. This was an increase of 105 percent compared to 2017 (112). “Of these, 102 people were victims of a finished act,” it says.

In total, among the 101,956 victims of crime involving suspected immigrants, 46,336 were Germans; that was 19 percent more than in 2017.

It is also noteworthy that last year only 18% of cases in which asylum seekers and refugees were registered as victims of a crime in 2018 – four-fifths are assaulted – one German was identified as suspect (8455 out of 47,042 cases) , In 2017 it was 15 percent.

This could indicate that those political and public representatives who perceive refugees as being threatened by xenophobes have a narrowed view. With all the weaknesses of the PKS, it becomes clear on the basis of these figures that people seeking protection are mainly attacked by other foreigners.”

Lees verder bij de bron: TPOok

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